This is the Wiles family crest. The name Wiles is English, it is means a trapper or hunter, that usually catch fish especially eels. they catch the eels by setting up wicker traps in rivers. So I guess the wiles family used to be the fishers and the hunters of the village eventually worked their way up and now Andrew Wiles is a British mathematician. That is pretty cool! What does your last name mean and what is your family crest?  I think Family Crests are cool, Do you?

Andrew Wiles lived in Cambridge Eng. he was born on April 11, 1953.He would be about 60 years old. He solved a math equation that even the greatest mathematicians could not solve, and he decided solved it when he was 10. That proves that he is a great mathematician. He went to many colleges and graduated many he has a very high IQ and is very smart in math. He is a very smart British mathematician.
The Fermat's last theorem stumped even the greatest  mathematicians. It took 400 years to be solved. The funny thing is that it was going to be solved by a ten year old boy named Andrew Wiles. He was determined to solve the problem that even the best mathematicians couldn't solve.

Andrew said that when he was ten he was looking in his public library and he found a book on math and he read it. After he was done reading it he said he understood it. He tried to solve it and he said it was a challenge and it was very hard. But he liked it and he thought that it was so cool. So he said he started working on it when he was 10. Do you believe that he understood it when he was 10? Why or why not. explain......